Did I mention traffic in the driveway?

These are ours.  The old Dunger on the left is mine; the Telstar belongs to Judy.  On the other side of the fence is ONE of the many that come and go from the neighbours.  On occasions we've had cars completely blocking our entry to our home driveway  off the common roadway. 

Oh, and on one memorable occasion a couple of years ago we had four cars in  the driveway and one up our drive in front of the garage from 11.45 pm until 5.15am.  That was the occasion the neighbour's daughter and her drop-kick boyfriend came and used her parent's house bringing the entire Raupunga Black Power contingent from the pub for a party.  All was booming stereo, slamming doors and shouted conversations until something happened and the lot left very abruptly.

What did I do once these paragons of cultural virtue arrived and started their 'party'?  I came out to my office and wrote the draft of a major assignment whilst at the same time tossing up whether I needed to load my shotgun.  No you didn't!   Don't lie!  Oh yes I did. 
Let me tell you; there's something really quite scary about confronting half a dozen young fellows with their arms folded over their chests and polka dot hankies covering their faces standing in the drive not too far from where your wife is supposed to be resting/sleeping.

In this picture you should be able to make out the top of THREE cars and there's at least another one down the back of the section.  Yes folks!  I tell you the truth....  If ever there was a sociological commentary embedded in this post about the mobilisation of the masses - then here it is.

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