New Year's Eve 2010

This year I turned 60.  That's years old as opposed to degrees of rotation.  No big deal.  On the day in question I felt no different from the day before although in an existential sense I suppose I must have.  I must have simply because time does not repeat no matter what Hollywood suggests (Back To The Future). 

2010 was different because I did something I never dreamed I would have when I was a boy.  I attended my graduation ceremony at Victoria University to be capped with a Master of Nursing (Clinical) degree having obtained a Merit pass which I'm told is an honours grading.  The day felt strange because this was the only time I ever attended any of my graduations, and this was the fifth time I was to graduate from a formal professional education programme.  I'm not sure what happened in the picture but James looks like a startled opposum caught in the headlights. 

I had decided once completion of the degree programme was confirmed to attend this graduation to honour my wife and son for the sacrifices they made while I studied and worked at various places in the North Island.  I always considered that although my name features on the bits of paper, they were both equally involved in my education and paid a price measured in my unavailability while my nose was buried in books.  With hindsight I should have done all my basic professional quals' when I was single, but, that's the benefit of hindsight. 

So, putting on an academic gown, stole and trencher and joining the parade of graduands to walk up Lambton Quay to tje Michael Fowler Centre preceded by a Pipe Band felt surreal, but I greatly enjoyed the experience.  Here is a picture with my hat on looking like a pompous old git.

And this is a picture with Judy and Tania (daughter-in-law).

The other defining part of this year was the sale of our house.  I naively thought because we'd spent lots of money on our house bringing it up to standard that it would sell quickly.  How wrong I was!  Wairoa's real estate market has been depressed for the last year or so (just like the rest of NZ) so our house didn't sell until we'd had it on the market for nearly a year.  I've calculated we'll get our money back and a small amount extra but that in no way recompenses us for the amount of hard work we've put in ourselves.

So, 2011.  What will that bring?  One hope I have is to obtain my amateur radio licence.  Another is to enjoy the tranquility in a new environment.  And lastly, to travel to Tasmania to visit friends and see what work opportunities exist there.

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