Bad Timing... Hot weather

The weather boffins said we were to experience the La Nina weather pattern this summer.  La Nina is characterised by large slow moving anti-cyclones and soaring temperatures.  Well, they were right about their predictions.  Yesterday at 10.30 in the morning the thermometre in our verandah registered an unhealthy 40.2 degrees Celcius.  Later in the day my digital weather forecasting device (courtesy of the National Geographic store in  the Innaloo Mall, City of Stirling in metropolitan Perth WA) registered 29.5 degrees in our bedroom.  By late afternoon the temperature in our verandah had fallen to a more temperate 30.5 degrees.  Was it hot?  You betcha!

My friend Brian (from across the road) helped me to move our lounge suite out to Frasertown.  What a bugr of a job!  We were both perspiring like racehorses after the Grand National with sweat dripping into our eyes.  Our situation was made worse by discovering that the sofa of our lounge suite was too big to get out one ranch slider and that was even after removing stops, handles and other sundry bits.  Removing the feet on the sofa didn't help either.  It was beginning to resemble the lyrics of that song, "Right Said Fred".  Finally and just before reaching for the chainsaw, we decided to use the front ranchslider to remove the sofa from the house.  Out it went and onto the trailer.  Thank You Lord!

But there's more.  Once at Frasertown we discovered by using a measuring device that there was no way in creation the sofa was going to fit through either of the doors without ministering to it WITH the chainsaw.  I could just imagine Judy's response if she'd found the sofa after we performed a Barry Crump manouvre on it.  Hmmm...  The sofa is now sitting in the garage at Frasertown awaiting disposition.  Methinks the entire suite will go to another home and we will graduate to furniture that lends itself to being manhandled safely into the house.

Today wasn't quite as hot but still hot enough to make me uncomfortable.  I draw comfort knowing we are close to completing the shift after today's effort.  We sat in our Para Pool tonight and it was true to say it was cooler outside the pool than in it.  Having said that, we'll miss the pool when the opposite is true.  Case in point - yesterday.  Plopping into the pool was lifesaving.  Oh well.  Enough for tonight.  A bientot......

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