FW: Hello

Cellphone Blues
Today is Saturday and we have only a few more things to do and the shift is entirely finished.  The house is very small by contrast to our Lockwood home; the kitchen/dining room is compact and so is the bathroom.  There's a bit of work to do to make this place really nice but nothing mega-major.  Last night was our first night here and we were both tired from the effort and and drained by the heat.  I inflated a kiddies paddling pool and Judy had a wallow in it before dark but the water was too cold for yours truly.  Once we got to bed and tried to get off to sleep then the dog and the cat started their antics.  The dog proceeded to bark at everything and anything whether it was real of not, and consequently set every other dog within earshot barking in sympathy.  After I got up the second time I brought her inside (bloody noisey fox terrier bitch that she is) and she slept on an old blanket in our room - even remaining silent for the rest of the night.  I would've put her in the laundry but Judy hadd stuck Freddie in there because she was concerned he'd get disoriented and lose his way getting back to the new address.  She need not have worried.  The little bar-steward somehow got out the laundry window and woke her howling under the bedroom window at 2.30ish wanting to come in and hog the bedspace.  Hmmm....
When I got up this morning Judy discovered the kiddie-pool had partly deflated.  The cause was found to be a jagged tear caused by fox terrier teeth.  The little bitch!  $40 pool rendered practically useless by a snapping bored egoentric canine.  Grr... snarl.
Yesterday morning was crap.  I forgot where I put my cellphone and didn't remember until I saw a small grey thing tumbling end over end, bounce off the road and then disappear under anstock truck with a trailer full of sheep.  I had to walk back 200 metres and hunt for it but I found my phone.  Hurrah!  Completely and irredeemably wrecked.  I bought another cheap XT Nokia at Gisborne this morning, put my old SIM card into the beast expecting to still have all my numbers and so on.  No.  Nothing.  All gone.

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