I'd hoped to have a camera on occasions like this....

On Monday 24th I caught the InterCity bus from Gisborne to Napier at Wairoa.  I was travelling through to pick up my new work car.  Uh huh... I know.  Travelling by bus to pick up a work car... right.  Sounds perfectly sensible.  Anyway, the weather had been horrid, raining for several days and nights after weeks of incredibly hot humid days when we were shifting our furniture and so on.

I have travelled on the road between Gisborne-Hastings for more than a decade and had noticed that on the Napier side of Putorino significant waterfalls occur following periods of heavy rain.  Previously, every time the waterfalls were clearly visible I never had a camera with me but the 24th was different.  I'd decided to take my Canon SX130 to take pictures of my new car before it got too dirty or dinged from stone chips or other detritis.  As it happened I took no pictures of the car on the day at all, but that's another story for another time perhaps.

The bus stops at Putorino for the driver to have his break (as prescribed in the Land Transport regulations).  Once in  the hotel I quickly realised the queue for anything suggested that by  the time I got a drink or anything else it'd be time to get back on the bus, so, I walked outside and looked in amazement at what I saw.  Using the camera's very capable x12 optical zoom lens these are the pictures I took from the steps of the Waikare Hotel at Putorino.  I am looking north (to the right) back towards Wairoa.

This picture was taken at 11.45 am and is not the clearest because of the rain and mist.

This view affords a better perspective looking towards the road into the gorge heading down to the bridge before it follows uphill to the right .  Further round there would be another four or five other waterfalls from farm dams up on the plateaux of the hills.  On other occasions the view has been spectacular but only glimpsed because I've been driving!  I'm promising myself to pack the camera in my briefcase more often from now on.

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